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Cabbage Juice

How Cabbage juice is formed from cabbage?

What is Cabbage?

    Cabbage belongs to the brassica genus and cruciferous vegetable family. It is consumed in various ways such as cooked, steamed and boiled form. It is considered to be the powerhouse of minerals and vitamins.

    It is loaded with  nutrients such as vitamin K and C like all other members of this family including cruciferous, kale and broccoli. it has a high content of iron, calcium, potassium and iron.

What is cabbage juice?


Cabbage juice

    Cabbage juice is the juice extracted from the leaves of cabbage.

    The best way to add more nutrients to the diet is by juicing of cabbage. Cabbage juice is also a very nutritious soup with a lot of nutrients. However, during juicing fibre is removed but it conveys its benefits in concentrated form. The major health benefit is from antioxidants.

     It is not much beneficial but quite good for hair growth and the immune system of the body.

Nutritional facts about cabbage juice:

    One serving of cabbage juice provides about the half need for vitamin C to your body a day.

  • A ½ cup of cabbage juice provides
  • Fat and cholesterol 0 gram
  • Sugar 04 gram
  • Fibre 0 gram
  • Sodium 442mg
  • Calories  31
  • Carbohydrate 04 gram
  • And trace amount of
  • Vitamin C  36mg
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Iron

Health benefits:
Health benefits of cabbage juice

1. Detoxify your body:

    Green and purple cabbage is a rich source of beauty minerals (Sulphur and silicon). Specifically, Sulphur conduct the function of carrying nutrition and removing waste from the body and more importantly skin by the process of osmosis.

    Glucosinolates are responsible for eliminating waste, toxins, extra enzymes, and hormones from the body.

2. Help in losing weight:

    Cabbage juice contains a low number of calories. At the same time, it has nutrient-rich compounds that help in body functioning. 

  It improves the digestion system of the body by filtering the upper portion of the intestine which remove makes the process of elimination quite easy.

3. Build Immunity:

  Cabbage juice has vitamin C, other antioxidants and immune booster minerals that increase the level of immunity by fighting against pathogens.

4. Lower Blood pressure:

   Due to vasodilator function cabbage reduce blood pressure. It has a large amount that helps to reduce stress on arteries and vessels which lowers the chances of stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis. It also improves the functions of the nervous system.

5. Fight against cancer cells:

    Free radicals are the major cause of cancer in the body. So, Cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C and K and sulphuric compounds which fight against free radicals.

  It contains isocyanate that reduces the chances of breast cancer, colon cancer and stomach cancer.

6. Improve stomach functioning:

   It is the most important function of cabbage juice in our body. It maintains acidity level and also decreases the presence of stomach ulcers.

  This is done due to the presence of some enzymes and sulforaphane that reinforce the lining of the mucus which reduces the chances of peptic ulcer formation.

7. Aid Liver function:

  The liver performs several important functions in the body such as hormone production, regulation of storage and protein synthesis. Cabbage juice has antioxidant named indole-3 carbonile that works to detoxify your liver and keeps it in a good condition.

 How to make Cabbage Juice?

   Here I will discuss the recipe for cabbage juice:


  • Cabbage
  • Water


  • Boil the water for about 30 min in a small pot. The water should be free from chlorine and other chemicals.
  • Place chopped cabbage and water in the blender. And blend it at low speed.
  • Pour the mixture into a jar.
  • Cover tightly with plastic film.
  • Place it at room temperature.
  • Stay at that temperature for 3 days. The purpose is to ferment the beneficial bacteria.
  • Then put a mesh over a jar to strain the liquid fermented mixture.
  • Cover the jar and store it in the refrigerator until it is served.






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