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Best food for brain health

Mental health and choice of food:

Healthy brain

Your brain is one of the main organs in the body that keeps you feeling healthy, in movement and in thinking by utilizing intensive energy. It is in short called the control centre of the body.

As every organ requires energy or nutrients for its working so the same in the case of the brain which requires several nutrients.

And one is omega 3 fatty acid whose function is to build brain cells, an antioxidant which reduces cellular inflammation and stress (Alzheimer's disease).

So, it is very important to keep the health of the brain in proper maintenance for your own easiness. Because food has both positive and negative impacts on brain functioning.

So, the choice of food will keep the brain prevent from disease and in healthy condition. If you choose brain-boosting food, it will improve both long- and short-term function.

Best Food:

The food that is considered to be  healthy for brain functioning, describe below

1.   Berries:

Berries are considered healthy for the brain as they contain antioxidants which help in reducing inflammation and stress. The antioxidant in berries is catechin-caffeic acid.

They have a positive impact on the functioning of the brain by improving brain cell transmission, reducing stress and reducing age-related diseases.

There are several types of berries such as blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. Strawberries contain a compound known as pelargonidin which has an anti-inflammatory property and keeps the regular supply of nutrients from one corner of brain cells to another which prevents Alzheimer's disease.

Blueberries have also several benefits on brain health. it has an antioxidant compound known as anthocyanin having anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces inflammation and stress conditions which otherwise cause various ageing diseases. At the same time, it has compounds that are stuck on the brain cells and improve transmission between different parts.

2.     Eggs:

It is one of the most consumed food because choline’s the best source and have several benefits for brain health.

Choline is a building block of phospholipid that is present in the brain membrane and keeps memory and mood regulated by producing acetylcholine. 

It also produces some amount of folic acid which reduce age-related mental decline, vitamin B-12 which maintain sugar level and vitamin B-6 which help to maintain brain health.

3.     Fish:

Fish remains at the top list to improve brain health. it is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid  which is the main nutrient that the brain required for its functioning.

The fishes that contain a high level of omega-3 fatty acid are listed as follow: salmon, tuna, sardines, herring and mackerel.

It builds brain cells, therefore, improving the structure of the brain known as a neuron that helps in memory, learning and also in declining brain-related diseases.

It is estimated about 60% of our brain is made of fat of which half is made of omega-3 fatty acids.

4.     Green vegetables:

Broccoli is named after a class of compounds that are rich sources of antioxidants. They have a high amount of vitamin K, which forms a fat that densely packed the cells of the brain.

It also contains some other compounds such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lutein which have anti-inflammatory properties that prevent it from damage.

Spinach is famous due to its rich source of antioxidant including lutein and beta-carotene that prevents brain diseases. Another category of vegetables is kale, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips etc.

5.     Nuts:

It is the source of unsaturated fats that improve brain health.

It is considered that regular eating of nuts reduces the risk of conjunctive disease in adults by reducing blood pressure. It also improves the health of the brain and helps sharpen the memory of an individual.

Nuts that have vitamin E act as antioxidants that protect the brain cells from damage and help in slowing down brain decline.

6.     Coffee:

Coffee is one of the main beverages in your daily life. It contains two main components caffeine and antioxidants. Caffeine prevents sleep by breaking adenosine, a substance in the brain. 

It contributes positive effects on the functioning of the brain by improving mood, sharpening concentration and increasing alertness.

It also has antioxidants that improve the health of the brain and reduce the risk of stroke, cognitive decline, and Alzheimer’s disease.

7.     Pumpkin seeds:

It contains antioxidants that enhance brain function and improve mood. Pumpkin as earlier said pumpkin is rich in nutrients. Among those one is zinc which enhance thinking skill and memory by sending a signal to nerve cells.

It also, contains Vitamin B, tryptophan, and magnesium to improve mood. Iron is used to prevent brain fog. Copper is used to sending nerve signals.

8.     Whole grains:

As we know it is one of the main organs of the body and it requires a huge amount of energy so that it works properly and keeps the focus on its work.

Whole grain is a rich source of energy that release into the bloodstream ultimately maintaining brain health.

It is also a rich source of vitamins. The variety of whole grains includes bulgur wheat, barley, brown rice, whole grain pasta and whole grain bread.





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