Diabetes and choice of food:
The best food for diabetics to eat
What foods can diabetics eat freely?
If you suffer
from this disorder, you know how much it is difficult to maintain your
eating pattern and control your level of blood sugar.
Your diet plan plays
a major role in managing blood sugar levels. So, it is important to eat those
foods that help to control diabetes and related heart diseases.
Type 2 disease
patients rely on surgery or drugs to maintain blood sugar levels in the
body but the long-term effect of these will cause some other health issues.

So, the role of diet in the management of blood sugar levels is also studied by nutritionists and physicians for a long time.
Some foods spike
blood sugar levels while some reduce them. Food must be those which curtailed levels
of blood sugar spikes and also improve insulin resistance that reduces the
reliance on medications.
In this article,
I will discuss those foods that reduce blood sugar levels and control diabetes.
Best food for people suffers from diabetes:
Eating certain
food and limiting others help to reduce the blood sugar level in the patient. A balanced
diet for the diabetic patient must be filled with protein, fruits and vegetables.
In the case of
carbs either it is starchy or sugary causing a rise in blood sugar level. But if we
add a balanced amount of carbs to the diet will have a beneficial effect on the body.
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What foods can diabetics eat freely? |
Leafy green vegetables:
Leafy green vegetables
are low in calories and digestible carbs that absorb easily by the body, so it has
no effect on blood sugar level.
Leafy green
vegetables are packed with nutrients. It is a rich source of protein, fibre,
calcium, vitamin A and potassium.
Spinach, kale, broccoli
and others are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C is an antioxidant
having anti-inflammatory properties; the level in the body of diabetic patients is
quite low as compared to those without diabetes so its amount must be provided
through diet.
The worst
choice is to add canned vegetables with a lot of sodium, butter, cheese and
Fish is a rich
source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. It is considered a healthy option to
include in the diet. Protein helps to lower or stabilize blood sugar levels in the body.
The veraity include salmon, sardines, trout and mackerel are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids
which have a good effect on heart health.
EPA (eicosatetraenoic
acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) help to protect the cells which line your
blood vessels, reduces inflammation mark and improves arteries' function.
People who eat it
regularly have a lower risk of heart disease and other related disorders because the body
needs a regular amount of fats for the proper functioning of the brain and heart health.
Citrus fruits:
Citrus fruits
are rich sources of minerals (potassium, folate), and vitamins (vitamin C) and have
no carbohydrate content. Citrus fruits including grapefruit, orange, and lemon
have a beneficial effect on diabetic patients. Oranges have antioxidants such
as naringin and hesperidin having anti-diabetic properties.
Berries are rich sources of antioxidants that help to prevent oxidative stress. This oxidative
stress is linked to various other disorders such as heart disease and cancer.
It is also containing
fibre, potassium, manganese and vitamin C. The veraity including strawberries and blueberries have a useful effect in regulating the level of blood sugar and thus have a beneficial effect for a diabetic.
Strawberries are a rich source of antioxidants that reduce both cholesterol levels and sugar levels
after meals. The antioxidant in strawberries is anthocyanin which gives them a red
Nuts are delicious
and nutritious. It is considered beneficial for diabetes patient because
improve blood sugar level in the patient and keep the heart healthy.
Nuts have high
levels of fibre and have low in carbohydrates. Nuts that are best for diabetes are
walnuts, peanuts, cashew etc.
Almond helps to manage the level of blood sugar and insulin after a meal. Walnuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid which reduces the risk of stroke and heart health.
Beans are
packed with nutrients and affordable. It is an excellent option for diabetics. It
is a plant-based protein having the ability to satisfy the appetite and help to reduce
carb intake.
They are rich
sources of protein, and fibre and low in carbohydrates. It has a low glycemic index that reduces blood
sugar levels which makes it beneficial for diabetes. The veraity of beans includes
kidney, black, and pinto.
Greek yogurt contains
beneficial bacteria that grow in the gut of humans and improve overall health. It
is considered the best option as low in sugar and high in probiotics.
Greek yogurt is
rich in protein, probiotics, and calcium and has low in carbohydrates. It helps to
improve blood sugar control and reduces the risk of heart disease.
The seeds that
are considered healthy for diabetic patients are chia and flaxseeds. As flaxseeds
are difficult to absorb so make sure to grind them properly before eating them.
Chia seeds are a wonderful choice for diabetic patients. It has a high amount of fibre and is low in
carbohydrates. It is also rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
It also helps
to reduce weight because the fibre in the chia seed lowers the hunger level and
keeps you full.
It slows down
the rate of food movement through the gut which eventually lowers your blood sugar
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