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Brown sugar

Brown sugar benefits


    Everyone enjoys the sweet taste of food due to sugar. It is produced in a tropical climate where sugar beet and sugar cane are grown.

    It is a natural and major ingredient in the human diet. It comes in two forms either it is brown sugar or white sugar. They both are almost similar remaining in their final form.

What is brown sugar?

    Brown sugar is made from the juice that is taken from sugar beet and sugarcane and is sweeter in taste.

  It is also known as sucrose sugar because it contains disaccharides in addition to monosaccharides like fructose and glucose. It means brown sugar is rich in carbohydrates.

  It contains a diversified amount of molasses and other nutrients. Its brown colour originated due to the presence of molasses. About 5% of molasses is present in average brown sugar.

   It is available in both refined and unrefined forms, but in most recipes, brown sugar is used. It is used in different baked products. It provides carbohydrates and calories to the body. It is present in the market in two different colours either light brown or dark brown.

What is white sugar?

Is brown sugar healthy to eat or white?

   White sugar is also known as table and granulated sugar. It is formed from sugar cane or refined sugar.

    White sugar has the same manufacturing step as brown the difference exists in the last step when excess molasses is removed from the sugar and pass through the refining process to create or formed white sugar.

    Both brown and white sugar have the same calorie intake. But brown sugar is more healthy than white.

Nutritional value of brown sugar:


4.5 gram




4.5 gram


0 g


0 g


0 g


1.3 mg

Vitamin and minerals

183 mg


0.06 g


0.02 gram

    According to USDA1 tsp brown sugar provide these essential nutrients to the body. Although it is low in nutrients as compared to others it's high calories make the body use carbohydrates as energy.

    It contains trace amounts of iron, zinc, potassium and magnesium.

Health benefits of brown sugar:

    As earlier stated, brown sugar is suggested use as compared to white sugar. Although it is low in nutrients but provides a major amount of carbohydrates which provides energy to the body. So, there are a few health benefits of brown sugar that are described below.

1. Act as an energy booster:

    All sugar is a rich source of carbohydrates that give good and quick energy to the brain and body because glucose is considered the preferred source of energy for the brain.

2. Prevents low BP:

    Brown sugar is act as a fast source of glucose which provides energy as well as sugar to the body. If anyone has blood pressure its means that he has low sugar level in the body than normal. It mostly occurs among diabetes patients.

3. Improve the functioning of the brain:

    As we know the brain is the major organ in the body and requires most of the energy to function properly.  Its function is to think, retain, and learn.

    Glucose is act as fuel for the brain and most of it comes from brown sugar which is rich.

4. Improve skin health:

    It also helps in giving the skin a smooth structure. Although it has a rough texture it removes dead skin cells and dirt from the skin which is the largest organ of the human body ().

5. Add weight loss:

    Brown sugar help in reducing weight. Although it is calories are not greater than white sugar. And the molasses in brown sugar is known to only boost metabolism.

6. Relieve menstrual cramps:

  It also helps in relieving cramps. It is just a home remedy for cramp easing and to soothe the pain where 1tsp of brown sugar along with leaves of tea and crushed ginger.








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