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Brown sugar

Brown sugar benefits Sugar:      Everyone enjoys the sweet taste of food due to sugar. It is produced in a tropical climate where sugar beet and sugar cane are grown.      It is a natural and major ingredient in the human diet. It comes in two forms either it is brown sugar or white sugar. They both are almost similar remaining in their final form. What is brown sugar?      Brown sugar is made from the juice that is taken from sugar beet and sugarcane and is sweeter in taste.    It is also known as sucrose sugar because it contains disaccharides in addition to monosaccharides like fructose and glucose. It means brown sugar is rich in carbohydrates.    It contains a diversified amount of molasses and other nutrients. Its brown colour originated due to the presence of molasses. About 5% of molasses is present in average brown sugar.    It is available in both refined and unrefined forms, but in most recipes, brown sugar is used. It is used in different baked products. It provides carbohy