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Showing posts with the label pomegranate benefits for health

Pomegranate benefits for health:

Pomegranate benefits   Pomegranates belong to the family Punicaceae, which also includes figs, olives, almonds and dates and have different colours from bright red to pink. Pomegranate has different enduring branches its leaves are 2cm, wide and 3-7cm long. Today, pomegranates are widely grown throughout the world and are an important source of nutrition. Pomegranates contain antioxidants such as anthocyanins and ellagitannins and fibres which have different health benefits like help to protect against certain types of cancer and other related disorder. Juice and seeds of pomegranate also contain nutrients, potassium and antioxidants multiple times, more than green tea. Different varieties are available and are well known for their taste. Some renowned ones are: Bedana:  Its seeds are delicate and are of a whitish or brown colored tone. Pulp  is of pink style and is sweet it is of medium to huge measured fruit. Alandi:  Its seeds are exceptionally hard. It is a medi...